Tutor assaults 10-year-old in Kolkata, arrested – Times of India

Kolkata News

KOLKATA: A private tutor, who was appointed barely 20 days ago, to teach a student of Class IV in the Kankurgachhi area was arrested by the Phoolbagan police for allegedly assaulting the child on Saturday.
The boy’s parents claimed that the 10-year-old student of a private English-medium school had reportedly failed to complete his handwriting homework and told his tutor that it was because of Saraswati Puja that he could not finish the work on time. This invited the wrath of accused Robin Singh, who allegedly picked up a piece of wire and assaulted the child with it.
According to the boy’s father, he had arranged for tuition for his child in a second flat owned by him. ” When he returned late evening, he was excessively silent. His face looked swollen. During dinner, he finally opened up before his mother. I found bruises on the upper portions of his body. My child is still in severe trauma,” he claimed.
The family then called up the cops. A senior police officer said, “Based on our initial investigation, we arrested the accused.”

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMieGh0dHBzOi8vdGltZXNvZmluZGlhLmluZGlhdGltZXMuY29tL2NpdHkva29sa2F0YS90dXRvci1hc3NhdWx0cy0xMC15ZWFyLW9sZC1pbi1rb2xrYXRhLWFycmVzdGVkL2FydGljbGVzaG93Lzk3NDY5ODgyLmNtc9IBc2h0dHBzOi8vbS50aW1lc29maW5kaWEuY29tL2NpdHkva29sa2F0YS90dXRvci1hc3NhdWx0cy0xMC15ZWFyLW9sZC1pbi1rb2xrYXRhLWFycmVzdGVkL2FtcF9hcnRpY2xlc2hvdy85NzQ2OTg4Mi5jbXM?oc=5