Kolkata traffic cops propose median railings along EM Bypass, FOB at Ruby crossing – Times of India

Kolkata News
KOLKATA: The Kolkata Traffic Police has proposed multiple infrastructure developments on the EM Bypass stretch between Ruby crossing and Dhalai Bridge to ensure smooth traffic flow and safe movement of pedestrians once the Ruby-Garia Metro link becomes operational. “This is the first Metro on a high-speed corridor. Hence, we need to be cautious,” said an officer.

“Prime among our concerns is the need to install permanent railings along the median of EM Bypass and at the edge of both pavements to prevent haphazard pedestrian crossover,” said an officer.


This is going to be a new challenge for traffic and other agencies because this would be the city’s first Metro stretch along a high-speed road corridor. All pros and cons need to be checked and every safety idea considered.

Among the other proposals is the installation of the FOB at the Ruby crossing (earlier approved by KMDA). An underpass too can serve the same purpose, said cops. “There is also a need to start operating the KMDA subway in Kalikapur-Avishikta area that is ready,” said an officer.
The police have proposed the installation of more high mast lights at three important crossings: Ruby, Mandirpara, and Tagore Park. “These intersections witness major pedestrian flow,” said a source.
The stretch on Kasba connector has emerged as one of the major choke points in south Kolkata during the morning rush hours. The proximity of schools and a mall has exacerbated the problem. The traffic police has proposed shifting the pedestrian crossover point at the RB Connector-Rajdanga Main Road crossing and the RB connector-Shantipally crossing to around 50 m away to decongest the intersection.
The police have also written to KMC to ensure that the undulating Bypass road surface is evened out.

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMimwFodHRwczovL3RpbWVzb2ZpbmRpYS5pbmRpYXRpbWVzLmNvbS9jaXR5L2tvbGthdGEva29sa2F0YS10cmFmZmljLWNvcHMtcHJvcG9zZS1tZWRpYW4tcmFpbGluZ3MtYWxvbmctZW0tYnlwYXNzLWZvYi1hdC1ydWJ5LWNyb3NzaW5nL2FydGljbGVzaG93Lzk3NDcwMDE5LmNtc9IBlgFodHRwczovL20udGltZXNvZmluZGlhLmNvbS9jaXR5L2tvbGthdGEva29sa2F0YS10cmFmZmljLWNvcHMtcHJvcG9zZS1tZWRpYW4tcmFpbGluZ3MtYWxvbmctZW0tYnlwYXNzLWZvYi1hdC1ydWJ5LWNyb3NzaW5nL2FtcF9hcnRpY2xlc2hvdy85NzQ3MDAxOS5jbXM?oc=5