Kolkata Metro starts infotainment on wheels; commuters can watch news, movies, songs while travelling – Times Now

Kolkata News

Joka-Taratala section of the Kolkata Metro. (Source: Twitter/Ministry of Railways)

Kolkata: The nation’s first metro service, Kolkata Metro, has started an innovative project where people can view news, movies, music videos, and more while riding aboard a Metro train.

In all 16 compartments of the Medha AC rakes along the North-South Corridor, the Kolkata Metro Railway has opted to install two 32-inch LED displays (Blue Line).

Additionally, these LED TVs will be used by the passengers to watch famous shows, programs and get critical updates while they are traveling. Every piece of material that will be displayed has already been loaded.

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These 24 stations on the blue line will benefit from this project –

Dakshineswar, Baranagar, Noapara, Dum Dum, Belgachia, Shyambazar, Shobhabazar Sutanuti, Girish Park, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Central, Chandni Chowk, Esplanade, Park Street, Maidan, Netaji Bhavan, Jatin Das Park, Kalighat, Rabindra Sarobar, Mahanayak Uttam Kumar, Netaji, Masterda Surya Sen, Gitanjali, Kavi Nazrul, Shahid Khudiram, Kavi Subhash.
The Ministry of Railways has launched a number of efforts to raise non-fare income in an effort to increase profits. The nation’s oldest metro service has made novel moves in this regard. The next step would enable marketers to show their advertising on LED displays.

The Metro Railway is also concentrating on generating income through ads inside and outside Metro rakes, hoarding displays in public areas, and the installation of health check-up booths at various stations, among other things.

With only 34 stations, the Kolkata Metro earned Rs 21.63 crores between April 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022, ranking fifth among all Zonal Railways in cumulative Non-Fare Revenue (NFR) profits.

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiiwFodHRwczovL3d3dy50aW1lc25vd25ld3MuY29tL2tvbGthdGEva29sa2F0YS1tZXRyby1zdGFydHMtb24td2hlZWxzLWNvbW11dGVycy1jYW4td2F0Y2gtbmV3cy1tb3ZpZXMtc29uZ3Mtd2hpbGUtdHJhdmVsbGluZy1hcnRpY2xlLTk3MDU0MzA40gGPAWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnRpbWVzbm93bmV3cy5jb20va29sa2F0YS9rb2xrYXRhLW1ldHJvLXN0YXJ0cy1vbi13aGVlbHMtY29tbXV0ZXJzLWNhbi13YXRjaC1uZXdzLW1vdmllcy1zb25ncy13aGlsZS10cmF2ZWxsaW5nLWFydGljbGUtOTcwNTQzMDgvYW1w?oc=5