Ensure CCTV Cameras Are Functional At All Police Stations, Calcutta HC Directs Bengal DGP – Outlook India

Kolkata News

The Calcutta High Court on Tuesday asked the director general of police (DGP) in West Bengal to ensure that all CCTV cameras installed in police stations across the state are functional by February 2.

The court also said that non-functional ones should either be replaced or repaired.

Justice Rajasekhar Mantha stated that “strict action” will be taken against commissioners and superintendents of police concerned if any camera was found out of order at a police station.

DGP Manoj Malviya was directed to submit a report of compliance on the next date of hearing.

The court also said that the DGP will receive assistance from the CID, West Bengal to independently verify the status of the CCTV cameras. 

A weekly report will be obtained by the DGP from the commissioners or superintendents of police and the superintendents of railway police in this regard, Justice Mantha said.

The court entrusted the responsibility of order compliance on state home secretary B P Gopalika along with Malaviya and their respective successors.

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiigFodHRwczovL3d3dy5vdXRsb29raW5kaWEuY29tL25hdGlvbmFsL2Vuc3VyZS1jY3R2LWNhbWVyYXMtYXJlLWZ1bmN0aW9uYWwtYXQtYWxsLXBvbGljZS1zdGF0aW9ucy1jYWxjdXR0YS1oYy1kaXJlY3RzLWJlbmdhbC1kZ3AtbmV3cy0yNTQ0NTXSAY4BaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3V0bG9va2luZGlhLmNvbS9uYXRpb25hbC9lbnN1cmUtY2N0di1jYW1lcmFzLWFyZS1mdW5jdGlvbmFsLWF0LWFsbC1wb2xpY2Utc3RhdGlvbnMtY2FsY3V0dGEtaGMtZGlyZWN0cy1iZW5nYWwtZGdwLW5ld3MtMjU0NDU1L2FtcA?oc=5