3 CPM leaders get bail in Netai carnage case – Times of India

Kolkata News

Kolkata: The Calcutta High Court on Tuesday granted bail to CPM leaders Anuj Pandey, Dalim Pandey, and Tapan Dey — implicated in the 2011 Netai carnage where nine people, including four women, were killed.
The HC asked the three not to fail court hearing dates, not to intimidate witnesses or tamper with evidence. The HC said several of the co-accused were on bail already, and the three had spent over eight years in prison. tnn

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMidmh0dHBzOi8vdGltZXNvZmluZGlhLmluZGlhdGltZXMuY29tL2NpdHkva29sa2F0YS8zLWNwbS1sZWFkZXJzLWdldC1iYWlsLWluLW5ldGFpLWNhcm5hZ2UtY2FzZS9hcnRpY2xlc2hvdy85NzUwODcwOS5jbXPSAXFodHRwczovL20udGltZXNvZmluZGlhLmNvbS9jaXR5L2tvbGthdGEvMy1jcG0tbGVhZGVycy1nZXQtYmFpbC1pbi1uZXRhaS1jYXJuYWdlLWNhc2UvYW1wX2FydGljbGVzaG93Lzk3NTA4NzA5LmNtcw?oc=5