$40,000 concealed in ‘gutka’ pouches seized at Kolkata airport. Watch – Hindustan Times

Kolkata News

Customs officials at the Kolkata airport on Sunday seized cash worth $40,000- valued over 32 lakh – concealed inside hundreds of sealed ‘pan masala’ pouches. A video of a customs official tearing the sachets showed some neatly folded $10 bills sealed with transparent plastic, along with what seemed to pan masala powder. There was also a large trolley bag that was stuffed to the gills with the sachets.

Acting on information from the Air Intelligence Unit (AIU) officers, the Kolkata Customs Department intercepted the passenger who was scheduled to depart to Bangkok. “AIU officials of Kolkata Customs intercepted a passenger scheduled to depart to Bangkok yesterday. A search of his checked-in baggage resulted in the recovery of US $40O00 (worth over 32 lakh) concealed inside Gutkha pouches”, the Kolkata Customs Department tweeted.

Also Read | Customs officers need to be alert about drugs, gold smuggling: FM

In a similar incident, almost 2,000 undeclared cigarette cartons were seized by Customs Officers in a courier cell in Mumbai on Thursday. These cartons contained almost 4 lakh cigarette sticks worth 30 lakh. The officers recovered these cartons mixed with the shipments that had to be exported to London.

Read | Gold hidden in capsules, condom, rectum: Bizarre airport seizures

In another case earlier, Mumbai Airport customs officials had seized 4.47kg heroin estimated to be worth 31.29 crores and 1.596 kg cocaine worth 15.96 crores in two separate cases at the Mumbai international airport during its drive against drug smuggling on Friday.



    Kanishka is a journalist at Hindustan Times’ news desk. When not in newsroom, you will find her on streets of Delhi exploring food cafes or capturing world through her lens.

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMif2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmhpbmR1c3RhbnRpbWVzLmNvbS9pbmRpYS1uZXdzLzQwMDAwLWNvbmNlYWxlZC1pbi1ndXRrYS1wb3VjaGVzLXNlaXplZC1hdC1rb2xrYXRhLWFpcnBvcnQtd2F0Y2gtMTAxNjczMjU2MDQzNTI5Lmh0bWzSAYMBaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaGluZHVzdGFudGltZXMuY29tL2luZGlhLW5ld3MvNDAwMDAtY29uY2VhbGVkLWluLWd1dGthLXBvdWNoZXMtc2VpemVkLWF0LWtvbGthdGEtYWlycG9ydC13YXRjaC0xMDE2NzMyNTYwNDM1MjktYW1wLmh0bWw?oc=5