Kolkata Municipal Corporation to set up capsule booster station in Beliaghata to solve residents’ water w – Times of India

Kolkata News
KOLKATA: In a bid to solve the water crisis in large pockets of Chaulpatti Road in Beliaghata, the Kolkata Municipal Corporation has decided to set up a capsule water booster pumping station in the neighbourhood. A proposal in this regard was passed in the mayor-in-council meeting held on Wednesday.
According to the proposal, the KMC water supply department will need to set up a mini reservoir cum booster pumping station at a demarcated place located close to Chaulpatti Road. A KMC water supply department official said, the civic body wants to start construction of the project in another month and wrap it up by the year.

When completed, the booster will have a pumping station with a capacity to supply .4 million gallons of potable water will cater to drinking water needs of Chaulpatti Road and its adjacent areas. A KMC water supply department official said that despite the presence of two major water booster pumping stations in Beliaghata, several lakh residents in large areas were still denied safe drinking water.
“We had to take up construction of a capsule booster pumping station to meet the growing demand for safe water in several Beliaghata pockets. Earlier, we had constructed two major booster pumping stations. But they failed to cater to the growing needs of the residents, many of whom are still dependent on groundwater. Then we took up construction of another large booster pumping station.
Though the construction started in 2021, it got stuck midway. Then we started searching for a small chunk of land for the construction of a small booster pumping station. We finally identified the land and placed a proposal for construction of a mini booster pumping station,” said a KMC water supply department official.
According to the official, efforts were on to restart the construction of the booster pumping station that has been stuck due to funds crunch. “We hope to wrap up the construction of both the major booster pumping station and the capsule booster pumping station to end an acute crisis of potable water in several neighbourhoods in the area,” said a civic official.

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMitQFodHRwczovL3RpbWVzb2ZpbmRpYS5pbmRpYXRpbWVzLmNvbS9jaXR5L2tvbGthdGEva29sa2F0YS1tdW5pY2lwYWwtY29ycG9yYXRpb24tdG8tc2V0LXVwLWNhcHN1bGUtYm9vc3Rlci1zdGF0aW9uLWluLWJlbGlhZ2hhdGEtdG8tc29sdmUtcmVzaWRlbnRzLXdhdGVyLXdvZXMvYXJ0aWNsZXNob3cvOTY4MjM5NTkuY21z0gGwAWh0dHBzOi8vbS50aW1lc29maW5kaWEuY29tL2NpdHkva29sa2F0YS9rb2xrYXRhLW11bmljaXBhbC1jb3Jwb3JhdGlvbi10by1zZXQtdXAtY2Fwc3VsZS1ib29zdGVyLXN0YXRpb24taW4tYmVsaWFnaGF0YS10by1zb2x2ZS1yZXNpZGVudHMtd2F0ZXItd29lcy9hbXBfYXJ0aWNsZXNob3cvOTY4MjM5NTkuY21z?oc=5